EVGA’s The Wrath of Anubis Gaming Event Sponsored by INTEL

The Wrath of Anubis Gaming Event

You adventure through the desert and stumble upon an ancient Egyptian Pyramid. You, along with your band of explorers, decide to enter the structure. In the distance, you see a dark figure with glowing eyes. You make a run for the exit, but a huge stone slab falls and traps you inside! The creature issues you a challenge: Find your way out or spend eternity trapped in the darkness forever! Escape from your doom in The Wrath of Anubis Gaming Event, and claim your rewards.

There are quite a few games for you to choose from, like Battlefield 4, Team Fortress 2, and many others! All of this isn’t only for fun and games, though. When you sign up for the The Wrath of Anubis Gaming Event and log into our servers between Monday, September 17, 2018 and Sunday, September 30, 2018, you’ll qualify for some really great prizes – all just for playing! Signing up is completely free and easy for anyone, regardless of where you live. We have lots of prizes to give away, so don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity to play great games and win some quality products!

Qualifying for the event is very easy if you follow these simple steps. Sign up on this page with either your Steam ID, Battlefield 4 Soldier Name, Killing Floor 2 Name, Rising Storm 2: Vietnam name, or all four if you like. After that, all you have to do is log in and play anytime during Monday, September 17, 2018 4:00 PM Pacific to Sunday, September 30, 2018 11:59:59 PM Pacific. Be sure to check the official EVGA Gaming blog to see the full list of servers available and read some great articles from team EVGA! Please don’t forget to keep enjoying our servers after the event ends!

This is a global promotion and all are welcome to participate.

EVGA’s The Wrath of Anubis Gaming Event Sponsored by INTEL published first on https://plazapcgames.tumblr.com/

Author: athletio

Freelance Writer currently contributing for both a magazine and website. Specialize in gaming journalism. With more than 10 years experience in website creation & maintenance, I have dedicated staff striving to provide useful information and resources in software, gaming and technology niches.